Drag and drop

Drag and drop on the web even with HTML5 is a bit of a mess. To make your GUIWidget draggable, include the DragAndDropManager


Then, in your GUIWidget's constructor, register your widget with the manager:


You'll need something to drop it on, we refer to this as a drop target. In another GUIWidget, make it a drop target:


A drop target should implement a method:


This method returns a boolean true if this target is interested in receiving drag and drop events about the passed draggable.

Finally, the drop target defines one more method:


This gets called when a draggable of the appropriate type is dropped onto the drop target.


com.foo.MyDraggable = new Class.create(bbq.gui.GUIWidget, {
    initialize: function() {

    draggableStarted: function() {
        // dragging this widget started

    draggableStoped: function() {
        // dragging this widget stopped

com.foo.MyDropTarget = new Class.create(bbq.gui.GUIWidget, {
    initialize: function() {

    dropTargetWillAccept: function(draggable) {
        return draggable instanceof com.foo.MyDraggable;

    dropTargetEnter: function(draggable) {
        // the passed object was dragged into this one

    dropTargetLeave: function(draggable) {
        // the passed object was dragged out of this one

    dropTargetDropped: function(draggable) {
        // the passed object was dropped on this one