Project structure

The recommended layout for your bbq project follows the Maven Standard Directory Layout with additions for JavaScript and CSS source files:

+- src/
   +- main/
      +- css/
      +- java/
      +- javascript/
      +- resources/
      +- webapp/
   +- test/
      +- java/
      +- javascript/
      +- resources/

It is possible to override the default locations by specifying the relevant arguments to the JavaScript, CSS and Language compiler plugins.


This folder contains the source code to build and test the webapp.


The files that make up the webapp.


These are the css files and images that correspond to your JavaScript classes. They should be laid out in the same structure as the JavaScript files.

+- src/
   +- main/
      +- css/
         +- com/
            +- myapp/
               +- MyClass/
                  +- MyClass.css
                  +- icon.png
                  +- arrow.png

At compile time the images will be copied into the target build directory.


These are the Java files that make up your application.


This folder contains the javascript that makes up the UI for your application and associated language translation files. They should be laid out in a directory structure that reflects the package hierachy, similar to the java directory.

+- src/
   +- main/
      +- javascript/
         +- com/
            +- myapp/
               +- MyClass.js
               +- MyClass.lang.en_GB.xml
               +- AnotherClass.js
               +- AnotherClass.lang.en_GB.xml


This directory holds any resources that need to be on the classpath at run time.


This directory holds the webapp files. eg:

+- src/
   +- main/
      +- webapp/
         +- js/
         +- css/
         +- WEB-INF/
            +- web.xml


All test files and resources.


Java unit test files.


JavaScript unit test files, laid out in the same fashion as the src/main/javascript directory:

+- src/
   +- test/
      +- javascript/
         +- com/
            +- myapp/
               +- MyClassTest.js
               +- AnotherClassTest.js


Any resources that need to be on the classpath while running unit tests.