Unit testing JavaScript

bbq includes a suite of unit testing tools for JavaScript. Place your unit tests in src/test/javascript - see the project structure page for more.

+- src/
   +- test/
      +- javascript/


Declare the bbq-test-maven-plugin in the build section of your pom.xml


bbq supports headless JavaScript unit tests intended to be run as part of your CI build.

Including libraries in the test environment

You can include arbitrary JavaScript files and/or libraries in your tests using the configuration > includes > include elements.

N.B. you must include a unit test framework.

An example test

By default bbq uses the unit testing framework supplied with Scriptaculous. A sample test would look like:


test = new Test.Unit.Runner({
    subject: null,

    setup: function() {
        with (this) {
            this.subject = new com.myapp.MyClass();

    teardown: function() {
        with (this) {


    testSomething: function() {
        with (this) {
            var expected = "foo";

            this.assertEqual(expected, this.subject.bar());

Tests are run headlessly under Mozilla Rhino and include a pretty good DOM implementation courtesty of env.js.

Each test file is compiled before it is run so you you can use


in your tests in the same way as your main JavaScript classes.

Running individual tests

To run an individual test, specify the fully qualified test class name as the bbq.test environmental parameter. ie.

mvn bbq-test:test -Dbbq.test=com.myapp.MyClassTest

Mocking the server

See the bbq.ajax.MockAJAXRequest JSDoc page for details on how to mock the server receiving AJAX requests in your unit tests.

Using your own test runner

To run with bbq-js a JavaScript unit test file should have a global variable named "test" which has a method named "summary" This method should return an object like this:

    // The number of tests run
    tests: 0,

    // How many failed
    failed: 0,

    // How many errors occured
    errors: 0,

    // Any error messages
    messages: [
        "A list of error messages",
        "Another error message"

This is the format supported by Scriptaculous' test runner. If you wish to use something different it should follow the rules above.