Module it-buffer-stream

Generate a stream of buffers, useful for testing purposes.


import bufferStream from 'it-buffer-stream'

const totalLength = //... a big number

// all options are optional, defaults are shown
const options = {
chunkSize: 4096, // how many bytes will be in each buffer
collector: (buffer) => {
// will be called as each buffer is generated. the final buffer
// may be smaller than `chunkSize`
generator: async (size) => {
// return a promise that resolves to a buffer of length `size`
// if omitted, `Promise.resolve(crypto.randomBytes(size))` will be used

let buffers = []

for await (buf of bufferStream(totalLength, options)) {

// `buffers` is an array of Buffers the combined length of which === totalLength


codecov CI

An async iterator that emits buffers containing bytes up to a certain length


Generate a stream of buffers, useful for testing purposes.


import bufferStream from 'it-buffer-stream'

const totalLength = //... a big number

// all options are optional, defaults are shown
const options = {
chunkSize: 4096, // how many bytes will be in each buffer
collector: (buffer) => {
// will be called as each buffer is generated. the final buffer
// may be smaller than `chunkSize`
generator: async (size) => {
// return a promise that resolves to a buffer of length `size`
// if omitted, `Promise.resolve(crypto.randomBytes(size))` will be used

let buffers = []

for await (buf of bufferStream(totalLength, options)) {

// `buffers` is an array of Buffers the combined length of which === totalLength


$ npm i it-buffer-stream

Browser <script> tag

Loading this module through a script tag will make it's exports available as ItBufferStream in the global namespace.

<script src=""></script>

API Docs


Licensed under either of


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


